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Dwarf pic2.png
  • Name: Dûrum Khórbadul Bralak (Dûrum, son of Khórbad of the clan Ironhelm)
  • LN Dwarf Fighter 8
  • Age: 68
  • Height: 4' 2" (127cm)
  • Weight: 218 lb. (99kg)


STR 17 (3)
DEX 10 (0)
CON 16 (3)
INT 15 (2)
WIS 15 (2)
CHA 5 (-3)
  • dex +1 (4th level)
  • dex +1 (8th level)


  • 16 skill points 1st level (((2+Int modifier)*4))
  • 4 skill points after that (2+Int modifier)
The fighter’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Ride (Dex), and Swim (Str).
"primary class-skills"
Skill 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Total
Craft(weapon) 3 x 2 x 2 2 x x 9
Total skill pts. 3 x 2 x 2 2 x x 9
"Secondary class-skills"
Skill 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Total
Craft(stonemason) x x x x x x 2 x 2
Climb 3 x 1 x 1 1 x 1 7
Craft(armor) 3 x 1 x 1 1 x 1 7
Total skill pts. 6 x 2 x 2 2 2 2 16
"Primary other"
Skill 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Total
Appraise x x x x x x 1 x 1
Spot 2 x x 2 x x x x 4
Search x 2 x x x x x x 2
Total skill pts. 4 4 x 4 x x 2 x 14
"Secondary other"
Skill 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Total
Literacy 2 x x x x x x x 2
Language(anorian) 1 x x x x x x x anorian language
Diplomacy x x x x x x x 1 1
Total skill pts. 3 x x x x x x 2 5

Racial Features[edit]

  • +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma.
  • Medium: As Medium creatures, dwarves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Dwarf base land speed is 20 feet. However, dwarves can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load (unlike other creatures, whose speed is reduced in such situations).
  • Darkvision: Dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and dwarves can function just fine with no light at all.
  • Stonecunning: This ability grants a dwarf a +2 racial bonus on Search checks to notice unusual stonework, such as sliding walls, stonework traps, new construction (even when built to match the old), unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like. Something that isn’t stone but that is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A dwarf who merely comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a Search check as if he were actively searching, and a dwarf can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. A dwarf can also intuit depth, sensing his approximate depth underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up.
  • Weapon Familiarity: Dwarves may treat dwarven waraxes and dwarven urgroshes as martial weapons, rather than exotic weapons.
  • Stability: A dwarf gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).
  • +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison.
  • +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects.
  • +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids.
  • +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type. Any time a creature loses its Dexterity bonus (if any) to Armor Class, such as when it’s caught flat-footed, it loses its dodge bonus, too.
  • +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks that are related to stone or metal items.
  • +2 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related to stone or metal.
  • Automatic Languages: Common and Dwarven. Bonus Languages: Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, and Undercommon.
  • Favored Class: Fighter. A multiclass dwarf’s fighter class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing

Class Features[edit]

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

A fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and shields (including tower shields). Bonus Feats

At 1st level, a fighter gets a bonus combat-oriented feat in addition to the feat that any 1st-level character gets and the bonus feat granted to a human character. The fighter gains an additional bonus feat at 2nd level and every two fighter levels thereafter (4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, and 20th). These bonus feats must be drawn from the feats noted as fighter bonus feats. A fighter must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums.

These bonus feats are in addition to the feat that a character of any class gets from advancing levels. A fighter is not limited to the list of fighter bonus feats when choosing these feats.


1. level
  • Improved initiative
  • Power attack (b)
2. level
  • Weapon focus (dwarven waraxe) (b)
3. level
  • Cleave
4. level
  • Great Cleave (b)
6. level
  • Improved unarmed strike (b)
  • Weapon specialization (waraxe)
8. level
  • combat expertise (b)
  • improved critical (waraxe)



  • Dwarven waraxe
  • MW Battleaxe "Hazid"
  • dagger
  • composite longbow + quiver (everlasting)


  • MW breastplate + heavy steel shield
  • right and left gauntlet

Adv. Gear[edit]

  • Artisan tools (weaponsmith)
  • Backpack
  • Waterskin
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • 2x Weapon belt
  • Belt pouch
  • Warrior's outfit
  • Grappling hook
  • 50ft 3/4" hemp rope
  • 2x large sack


  • Kotoisin Weranista
  • Isä apprentice weaponsmith, hyvät välit poikansa kanssa
  • Toimi Weranin vartiostossa ja ottanut osaa partioihin ja kahakoihin, toiminut myös ihmispalkkasoturien kanssa
  • Lähti Weranista etsimään sukunsa oletettua alkukotia, Daruk-Barakin kääpiökaupunkia, jotta Weranilaiset voisivat muuttaa pois pinnalta
  • Saapunut Cauldroniin sillä Daruk-Barak oletettavasti sijaitsee jossain lähellä. Stonehaven-klaani myös samassa kaupungista kotoisin.
  • Pahin kokemus matkalla oli merimatka Jandorista Garrick Pointiin, jonka Dûrum vietti tuhdissa humalassa kannen alla.


  • Tappelijan näköinen. Lyttyyn lyöty, murskattu nenä ja kukkakaalikorvat. Huulesta lähtee suuri arpi kohti vasenta silmää. Oikean silmän alta kulkee toinen suuri arpi nenän yli otsalle
  • Kädet ja ruumis arpien peitossa
  • Tanakka ja karvainen ruumis, hiukset pitkät, päälaelta kalju. Punainen parta
  • Tatuointeja käsissä ja jaloissa sekä rinnassa.