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[[DM::Timo A]]

The grand campaign with lots of memories, and which started it all. Adventures of fighter Fleetwood, magic-user Sinar, fighter Benar, fighter Zuko and the Hsiao cleric Gadril Harmaasiipi.

Started with the Rahasia-module, where Sinar and Benar came from (they are two example characters found in the back of the module, both starting from 3rd level). I then let them have secondary characters. Tero got his third later, when we acquired a sourcebook for playing faerie-characters. Kipi didn't want more characters, I think. Kipi clearly favoured Benar over Zuko anyways, who was there just to do more damage, but Tero played equally all of his characters, and I don't remember that he favoured any of them over another.

Characters advanced almost to the Companion rules, though we had used them already. I think Fleetwood was level 14, Benar was (interestingly) level 10, Zuko level 12 and Sinar level 10 (being powerful mage). Gadril followed separate levelling system, that started from negative levels, but he was equal to a level 8th or 9th level cleric. The characters had built their own fortress near Threshold, which was later magically relocated to a forest in eastern part of Karameikos, and ruled a barony there which later grew to a county.

The campaign ended in the war that destroyed the whole area. I intented it to be Epic, but instead it turned up very lame and players, or me, didn't like it very much. We were going to, or at least I planned to, continue the campaign with the characters being stripped off of their magic weapons. One of the reasons for the ending at all was that the characters had far too much wealth and magic items in their disposal and I wanted to get back to "simpler days". Of course, now I think those were the simpler days..

Sinar was later tossed between rulesystems. Attempts were made at least with AD&D and Cyberpunk, maybe with Rolemaster too.



[[Systeemi::Dungeons & Dragons|]] [[Kampanja::Haltiametsä|]]

[[Systeemi::Dungeons & Dragons|]] [[Kampanja::Haltiametsä|]]

[[Systeemi::Dungeons & Dragons|]] [[Kampanja::Haltiametsä|]]

[[Systeemi::Dungeons & Dragons|]] [[Kampanja::Haltiametsä|]]

[[Systeemi::Dungeons & Dragons|]] [[Kampanja::Haltiametsä|]]

[[Systeemi::Dungeons & Dragons|]]