NWN2/Creating base classes

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This is a tutorial on adding a partially implemented swashbuckler class.

To add a new base class you will need to edit 2DA files. To get ready to do this, we will set up 2da files to open in a program that allows us to easily edit them.

  1. ) Browse to the NWN2 Data directory (C:\Program Files\Atari\Neverwinter Nights 2\Data).
  2. ) Open the 2da.zip file and copy the 2da directory to another location (I used C:\Program Files\Atari\).
  3. ) Go to Tools->Folder Options...
  4. ) In the Folder Options window that appears, select File Types.
  5. ) Scroll down to 2da (You can click on the file types list and press the number '2') and select 2DA. Press the Change button.
  6. ) Select Microsoft Office Excel in the Open With dialog. Ensure the checkbox marked Always use the selected program to open this kind of file is checked and then press Ok. (If you do not have Microsoft office, you can use the free CALC program instead by downloading Open Office.)

Now we're ready to edit classes.2da, the file that contains a list of all the base and prestige classes available in the game. If you browse through the file you will find 6 cut prestige classes: Shifter, Oozemaster, Cavalier, Contemplative, Mystic Theurge and Mystic Fist.

  1. ) Double-click classes.2da to open it.
  2. ) When classes.2da opens in Excel, move your mouse all the way to the right, just above the top arrow of the right-hand scrollbar to the small horizontal line. Your mouse cursor will change to a horizontal line with arrows pointing up and down. Click and drag the line down until it's just below the headers in Row 3. Now you can scroll through the file and always see the column titles.
  3. ) Copy row 4, Fighter and paste it at the end of the file. Renumber the row, changing the 4 to an 86.
  4. ) Locate column K, entitled FeatsTable. Change the value CLS_FEAT_FIGHT to CLS_FEAT_SWASH.
  5. ) In column M, SkillsTable, change the value CLS_SKILL_FIGHT to CLS_SKILL_SWASH.
  6. ) In column O, SkillPointBase, change the value 2 to 4.
  7. ) In column AI, Str, change the value 16 to 14.
  8. ) In column AJ, Dex, change the value 14 to 16.
  9. ) In column AO, PrimaryAbil, change the value STR to DEX.
  10. ) Save the classes.2da file. When it asks if you want to keep the current format, say yes.

The next step is to add a new file called cls_feat_swash.2da to grant the bonus feat of Weapon Finesse at level 1.

  1. ) Copy the file cls_feat_fight.2da and rename it to cls_feat_swash.2da.
  2. ) Open cls_feat_swash.2da and change all the 3's in the List column to 1's.
  3. ) Scroll down to 2da line 93, WeapFinesse and change the List value of 1 to 3.
  4. ) Also on 2da line 93 GrantedOnLevel from -1 to 1.
  5. ) Save cls_feat_swash.2da.

Now we need to edit a skill list for the swashbuckler. The skill list is a little different for fighters and swashbucklers.

  1. ) Copy the file cls_skill_fight.2da and rename it to cls_skill_swash.2da.
  2. ) Open cls_skill_swash.2da and change all the 1's in the ClassSkill column to 0's.
  3. ) Set the following skills to 1 in the ClassSkill column: Bluff, CraftAlchemy, CraftArmor, CraftTrap, CraftWeapon, Diplomacy, Discipline, Parry, Taunt, and Tumble.
  4. ) Save cls_skill_swash.2da.

Finally, we are ready to test our class!

  1. ) Copy your edited classes.2da, cls_feat_swash.2da, and cls_skill_swash.2da into your Override directory. (C:\Program Files\Atari\Neverwinter Nights 2\Override)
  2. ) Start up NWN2 and start a new game.
  3. ) Create a new character. select a race and appearance.
  4. ) On the class screen you will see two Fighter classes. Select the second one.
  5. ) Select an alignment and deity. On the attributes screen, click the Recommend button. Notice that your Str is 14 and your Dex is 16, just as we changed it.
  6. ) Select your background and then customize your package.
  7. ) On the skill screen notice that you can select any of the skills you set up for the swashbuckler.
  8. ) On the feat screen, you get Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat. Select all your feats, complete your character and you are ready to play!